Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Two Six Year Olds, the Grumpy Cat and the Hoarder

My house consists of three rooms and four people. Two of them are a couple and the other two are single.

When I first moved in with my friends/roommates, I only lived with the couple. At the time, I lived in a small apartment with my own walk-in closet and a private bathroom. Life was great until the couple decided to move and well having no where else to go and very little options, I followed. We ended up moving into a bigger house with higher rent and an extra room. And that is where the story of the two six year olds, grumpy cat and the hoarder begins.

Moving into a house that has all the bedrooms close in proximity, is rarely ever a good idea. Especially, when you live with a couple. This was not a problem in the last apartment, but once we moved into the house, everything became a problem.

From the temperature in the house to the dishes in the sink. The new addition to our little "family" was both a blessing and disaster in disguise.

Of course, I never had a problem with the addition, but I did have some issues with the couple or should I say the two six year olds.

The Two Six Year Old's

AKA the couple. They are the ones who argue day in and day out. One points fingers at others when he makes a mistake and throws fits like a child, while the other one stomps her way out the door when she doesn't get her way. There is a list of things they do that puts them in this category, but this does not affect me as much as it affects the Grumpy Cat.

The Grumpy Cat

He has been my entertainment for the past few months. While the couple are always huddled in their room, he has been the very person who has kept me sane. Although, his sarcasm can be too much to handle sometimes, it has never caused an argument between us. Grumpy cat also makes silly impersonations, one being the Grumpy Cat -- Same face and all! Grumpy Cat is a neat freak and having shared a bathroom with me, he has indirectly called me a hoarder.

The Hoarder

That's me! Okay so I am not much of a hoarder, but I do have a bunch of crap in my room, which in some odd way makes me feel like a hoarder. I am usually never home, but when I am, I get annoyed by the couple from time to time, especially when the heater is on. Not only is the heater a waste of money, but it also has me sweating to death.

My living situation has been a rather interesting one with so many different characters in the house, it is no wonder that the house almost burned down! but that my dear readers is for another post.

Now that you are all well aware of my roommates, it will be much easy to talk about the crazy crap I've had to deal with this year with the two six year olds and the grumpy cat.

I've never had much luck with amazing roommates, but it's much better than the crazy roommate I had and her inmate boyfriend who used to stare me down...

I'm sure I am not the only one who has had to deal with roommates, so please share your stories and soon enough I will post about the day my house almost burned down.

Hanny the coffee bean


  1. I live with my dad and brother so I'm yet to have any really crazy roommates. I think that a loud couple and an annoying couple might be better than an inmate eyeing me up. At least there's a cat. They make everything better.

    1. Haha I wish there was an actual cat! But true ot is better than an inmate...


  2. I like it ridiculously cold in my place. Of course, I live in Houston, so this isn't usually much of an issue, even in the winter, when 60 is the ridiculously cold limit.

    No one else likes it nearly so cold. On the upside, my electric bills drop from $150 to $50 in the winter because of this...

    1. Well that's a plus! My bill just goes up when my roommate decides to turn on the heater....I live in Florida...still not sure how she gets so cold.


  3. I hope you don't have to listen to the two six year olds make up afterwards :s

    1. Luckily I don't! I try not to be in my room as much and only go in to sleep.


  4. I have a friend who's living with a six year old roommate and a seven year old roommate. But they might also be his children. From what I hear, they're definitely not earning their keep. Neither of them even have jobs. Can you believe that?

    1. Lol! Well if they are children, he could always make them into circus performers. Though that might be a problem with the child labor laws and all. :p


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