Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Boithday, Mugsy

Welp, this is it. I am officially greeting the first day of the 24th year of my life.

And what better way to do this than to have a job interview this afternoon and then go out for drinks with some of my friends?

(Short post, I know, but I'm way too nervous to think of something to write this morning. I really need a job.)

Barb the French Bean


  1. Happy, happy birthday, beautiful girl!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! And good luck with the job interview! :)

  3. May your heart's fondest wishes come true on your birthday! Cheers!

  4. Good luck with the interview and happy birhtday.

  5. Can't wait to hear how your birthday went and the interview!


  6. Bonne Fete A Toi! (Was that correct?)

    Happy belated birthday to you!

    How did the interview go? And drinks with friends?



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