When I was about 10 years old, my dad taught me how to play poker. I remember asking a whole bunch of questions regarding the game and couldn't quite understand why grown-ups liked playing poker.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Poker, Anyone?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Everything is Hunky-Dory
Well, we are well into the twenty-third day of the 2012 and it is only up until now that I came up with something to say.
(To Coffee Bean: I'm sorry if I put you through the responsibility of single-handedly taking care of the blog posts. That was quite rude of me and I'll try to refrain from doing so again.)
It seems that most of my inspiration got zapped the second December 26th rolled into my life, for it was on that day that I saw the very first Weight Watchers commercial in over two and a half months of television ads devoting themselves to spreading holiday joy straight to my thighs...as if fast-food commercials weren't bad enough.
Seriously, people, that made me go "WTF? You tortured me for two and a half months to gorge on rich, high-calorie foods and NOW that Christmas is over, you want to guilt-trip me into losing weight?" I couldn't even enjoy the last full week of 2011 without thinking "Jenny Craig is right."
In short, I did a personal re-evaluation and set a new target weight loss goal.
I want to lose 75 pounds.
Of which I've only been able to shed 2.4 of them. Whoot.
Something tells me that I may have to join a gym. There is even a gym that is rather close to my home, only a twenty-minute walk away. All of the other gyms require driving, and I prefer to spend twenty minutes walking as opposed to twenty minutes driving. Sounds like the perfect place to go, right?
Except the people in Miami can be a bit odd. I don't know what was going through the owner's mind when they founded this chain of workout areas, but with a name like PORKY'S GYM, the chances of me enrolling there are zero to none.
And, yes, Porky's Gym is a real place. Based on their website's front page, I'd end up looking like a muscle head by the time 2013 rolls in.

What guy wouldn't like to date a lady who had a diminished chest and bigger biceps than he does?
I think I'll go take another walk today followed by a quick shower. I usually find that my best ideas come in the middle of walks and showers.
Barb the French Bean
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Hello, Fake Mr. Nice Guy
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Airplane Bathrooms Vs. Coffee Bean
I'm not great at story telling. To me going into too much detail gets a bit tedious for me. So instead I will tell you what my thoughts were while I was waiting to use the airplane bathroom.

Friday, January 13, 2012
Thought of the Day: Not Good Enough?
All the posts I have, inspired by my trip to England are still being written, but today I wanted to talk about something else.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Never Share a Room with Grandma

My grandmother had turned the light on and frantically moved around the room. I yawned and still felt very tired, but I sat up. I took a look outside the window still in zombie mode and noticed it was still dark out.