Monday, April 16, 2012

Writer's Block at its Finest

If you have ever experienced writer's block, then you know how frustrating it feels. You have the right ideas, but you lack the words. Sometimes you have no idea what to write, you are scraping for words, nothing seems to be coming out right and the next thing you know you have a whole bunch of "blob" (a bunch of words that make gibberish easy to read).

This is something I experienced for a few weeks. It's not that I can't think of what to write, it's more along the lines that I can't seem to express myself in writing, the way I used to.

For the past few weeks, I have sat with a paper and pen searching for my way back into writing and yet I ended up blank. Other than coming up blank, I would end up in a writing war with my paper and pen.

In the darkness boldness alley of yonder your hill...

She held her breath foot teeth...

Leggo my eggo Hamilton! (Me: Who the fuck is Hamilton?!)

In the alley of your hill she held her..." leggo my eggo Hamilton!"

After forcing myself to write, I realized that I was getting nowhere. So I decided to sleep on it. Of course, that didn't help much.

Then I kept hearing it and then it went on and then it dripped and then I saw the water and then...

She missspelled miss spelled misspelled the lectrue lecutre lecture sentence...

I hate you! You damn fucking peace of crap! work you ass, work!! (I am guilty of screaming at my working pen).

Needless to say, I resorted to taking my frustrations out by drawing my usual stick figures...

But that only helped my crazy come out...

Well it could have been worse...

It took at least two weeks to finally start writing again without feeling frustrated, but throughout the two weeks I learned a lot about myself.

#1: Some of my drawings look like drunk drawings (I was actually sober when I drew them!)

#2: My imagination and thoughts are extremely odd (Maybe I can become the next Tim Burton?)

#3: I can never write a children's book.

#4: Writer's block has me thinking of other stuff like furry walls
(watch starting on 3:18 if you don't want to see the whole thing)

I am so glad I don't have writer's block anymore.

-Hanny the coffee bean


  1. Hahaha I'm glad too! I very much like the could drawing, though. Very nice.

    1. Hahaha! Thank you :p my drawings are just everywhere XD


  2. Who is the dragon meister? This nefarious and intriguing character has immediately captured my attention. You should write about him.

    1. Lol! I am not sure who the dragon meister is, but if I pick my brain a bit I could probably figure it out.


  3. Hahha puff the magic dragon!!!

    lol I often get Writer's block :(

    1. Aww well I am glad I'm not the only one!!


  4. I think you could write a children's book, and you should. The crap I have to read to my nieces is just pure awful.

    1. Ha! It would be so warped if I wrote a children's book. They would all grow up confused.


  5. I can't even draw online, so when I get writer's block, I'm screwed.

    Anyway, I was once told there's no such thing as writer's block. It's just that you don't like what you've written. I think that's partially true, but it sounds like crap when you are long on ideas but short in implementation (or short on ideas as well.) Don't force it. Things will come. Damn writer's block...

    1. I know it is just frustrating since I do get the ideas, I just had a moment where I couldn't seem to find the right words for any of it.


  6. (Isn't it a "furry" wall and not "fury?")

    Essentially, what Abby said, although if I can add my two cents on the matter, I say that you shouldn't try to force yourself for ideas. You'll either get weak inklings or nothing at all. --.-- Whenever I recall my two-month long writer's block, I shudder.


    1. Fury wall - Rubbing an ANGRY big foots furry back.
      Furry Wall- A wall covered in fur.

      I thought I should throw that in there since, I'm the only one who ever thought of that without explaining it. :)

      And as I mentioned in my post, it is not that I ran out of ideas, it is simply the fact that I could not find the right words for any of it. :/


  7. I still have writers block, and sometimes I don't think it's ever going to go away.

    1. Yep I think the same thing sometimes...


  8. I know the feeling of writers block. It's horrible and the more stressed you get about it the worse it gets.

    I found this helpful:

    1. Oh! This sounds great :D and yes I get really stressed out.


  9. I can sympathise. I always get writers block the second I have time to sit down and write. When I should be doing other things I can get into the flow. Typical.

    Great psot

    1. Yep tends to happen to me plenty of times.

      Thank you!


  10. ALL of my drawings look like drunk drawings.

    Also, thank God for the computer. Imagine writer's block longhand. It'd look a lot like a typhoon of ink hitting a page with all those scratch-outs. Oh, and beside that, a trash can overflowing with wadded up mountains of paper.

    1. Haha true, but sometimes I do use paper and pen...

      so you can only imagine my trash can.


  11. I don't know why, but out of all of it, "Bazinga" cracked me up the most. I don't have writer's block so much that I just felt I needed a few days off. I'm lazy. :)

    1. LOL I got the word Bazinga off of The Big Bang Theory (the show) XD


  12. Ugh! I hate writers block! BAZINGA!x

  13. For some reason, I read 'usual stick figures' as 'sensual stick figures'. Then again, if she really is touching big foot's butt...

    1. lol! O.O I never even thought of it that way...


  14. I suffer from writer's block frequently. Like right now. I can't think of a witty comment.

  15. Love Puff! That was one of my favourite songs as a little kid. My dad would play it on the guitar.

    And yes, I definitely understand writer's block! Although I'm such a procrastinator that I don't often get that far. It turns out that you have to shut down Youtube before you can be frustrated by your inability to write.

    1. Aww that's cool, it was one interesting song.

      Haha I just get more frustrated with Youtube when I have writer's block.


  16. hahaha, writers block = eat chocolate. works everytime i swear! :-)


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