Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Dog Must Die

If there is one thing I like to do on my spare time is to play video games. If you have ever read Applying Animal Crossing to Real Life, then you know I can get quite addicted to video games. Yesterday, I had finished doing all my adult responsibilities and had nothing to do.

Well, I ended up going to dinner with a friend and then back to his house to play some old school Nintendo. I ended up playing Duck Hunt.

Duck Hunt, for those who do not know, is a game that was released in 1984, and it is basically shooting down ducks. It was a game I would spend time playing when I was in my toddler years and now 20 years later, I was playing it again.

What a mistake.

For the 10 minutes I played the game, I could not shoot one duck, not even if I had the gun to the tv screen.

The worse part was that the damn dog laughs at you when you don't shoot a duck. So after getting laughed at, I decided to shoot the dog.

Of course that didn't work because the dog can never die....

Or so I thought. Recently, I discovered that there is an arcade version of the game that lets the dog die!!! I was so happy just to see him injured that I just had to post it and so now I introduce you all to the duck hunt dogs funeral  video.

Mwahaha die bastard! die!

-Hanny the coffee bean


  1. Take that you little bastard! I played Duck Hunt a lot as a kid too, so I'm proof that violent video games don't turn kids into murderers. I also really love animals too. Despite spending a lot of my formative years shooting the feckers.

    1. Yeah I am the same way. I really love animals, just not the dog in this game -_- his laugh annoys me.

      - Hanny

  2. Noo! I like ducks AND dogs. This whole thing makes me sadsies.

    1. Aww don't be sad, I like them too just not in this game and if you were to ever play this game, you would know why.


  3. Looking back at "Duck Hunt," it's amazing to see how some of the simplest games are the most memorable ones.

    Also, Maddie the Demon Chihuahua does not approve of the second version of the game. :P


    1. LOL let me guess Maddie either barked or took cover?


    2. Actually, I think she may have contacted her BFF Cthulhu. The Duck hunt dog is in cahoots with their little circle of "Evil Beings Anonymous." :P


  4. This is amazing. My brother and I played duck hunt all the time, until we got a Game Genie and my dad played so often we never got to use it again...

    1. Aww that sucks. Yeah I used to play with my brother all the time when i was younger. Best times of my life.


  5. oh Hanny, that was horrible!!!


  6. NO WAY! I was told you could shoot that stupid snickering dog as a kid, but no matter how many times I did it, I never could, so I always thought it was a myth. This post has lifted my childhood frustrations.
    Also, is it me, or does it look kinda like the dog flips you off?

  7. I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks the dog is stupid. Gosh how I hate his laughter >_<


  8. Haha yeah I was told that too and I never could...So finding out that it wasn't a complete myth made me feel so much better.

    I think he might be O_o


  9. The first time I read this, I thought I read that your dog was laughing at you, when you couldn't shoot the ducks, and I thought how amazing it was that you had a dog that could laugh. Then I realized it was the dog in the video game. Well, either way it's hilarious.

    1. LMAO!!!! NOOO that would have been quite funny.


  10. I remember, as a five year old, hiding behind the bed waiting for those little ducks to appear. As soon as I heard that quacking, I'd pop up from behind the bed and start blasting away.

    1. :D Now those are some good memories! I used to just stand in front of the screen screaming die! like a crazy person....similar to what I did this week.



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