Thursday, March 22, 2012

On Cloud Nine...Yeah Right...

I love Michael Buble and this love of mine requires me to stalk his every move. Recently, I discovered something I did not know about him, which of course took me by surprise. In his video I just haven't met you yet, He meets a woman who becomes his love interest, the funny thing about this is that I didn't know it was his wife in real life.

My first reaction was of course "AWWWWW HOW CUTE!!!" but the more I thought of it, the more I thought of what my encounter with my "special someone" would be.

*cue dramatic scene from my fantasy dream*

I'll be standing on a box and my love will say "Oh Baby, Oh Baby, Oh Baby! How I want youuuuu" and then music in the background starts 'I-I love you like a love song baby' (Yes, the Selena Gomez song)

If only I could have something amazing like that happen to me or maybe if I could just be in a music video with my famous boyfriend (if I had one)...unfortunately I always end up going out to dinner.

Oh well, I'll eventually be on cloud 9 or on my box...


Has anyone experienced something romantic or just plain amazing?

Hanny the coffee bean


  1. Hahhaha, I have not. Hope you do, though! Be sure to blog about it...

  2. For a second, I thought the cartoon guy was singing that Justin Bieber song to your Selena Gomez counterpart. :P


    1. LOL! I didn't even think of that until you mentioned it :p


  3. No nothing amazing or romantic has EVER happened to me. But plenty of pathetically miserable things have happened to me, if you ever write an entry about that.

    1. Aww that sucks! Well if it makes you feel any better, I've been through pathetic moments too.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mine was a bad pick up line that actually worked ON HIM! but that's a long story for another day... I hope you get your romantic happy beggining, and don't forget to blog about it


    1. haha! That is awesome! :D glad it worked out!


    2. and I hope I hear this story soon!

  5. I'd like to say I have but I'm not sure I have. Though hey being the guy I'm supposed to be the romantic one.

    1. Haha true that, but guys can have really amazing moments too! I have a friend who basically worships his girlfriend because everything she does is amazing to him :)


  6. Not much romance here until the relationship actually started...haha we met in a locker room. totally gross right.

    1. haha hey love comes unexpectedly. So if it happened in a locker room....well then surprise! :p


  7. Only once I'm in a relationship, does that count? I met Scrubs in a bar, so that's not very romantic - I recognised him because he was a friend of a friend. I'd met him briefly years back but I'd had a boyfriend then. So glad for timing because I doubt we'd be together today if things had worked out differently!

    1. Wow now that is romantic! the fact that you guys met each other way back and years later you meet up only today? Now that is some good stuff!


  8. I met my boy 5 years ago. We stayed in touch (when I say 'in touch' I mean we sent like 5 Facebook messages throughout that time)then the Facebook-ing picked up pace and he ended up taking a job in the South of France which was close to me because he always knew I was the one, that I was who he would end up with, he was just taking his time. That's pretty romantic right? :)

    Love Elle xo

    1. Yes, that is very romantic! Especially since you guys knew each other from way before. I only hope something like that happens to me.


  9. Michael Buble lives 5 minutes from my family home for 6 months of the year. Boom!

    1. WHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTT!?!?! I am so jealous!! If I lived 5 minutes away I would ask them for sugar all the time!"Hey, do you guys have some sugar?? I LOVE YOU!!!"



  10. I met my wife when this song first came out, and it became 'our song.' Why? Because it would always play on the radio at the oddest times. At the end of our first date it came on. After we officially became boyfriend/girlfriend it came on. After the first time we said I love you... yep, it came on.

    Buble brought us together, that silky smooth bastard.

    1. Now that is so romantic :D Thanks for sharing that with me! Buble knows what he does haha

      the power of Buble.



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