Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Reflections on Yesterday

First of all, I wish you a belated Bonne Année to everyone.

Yesterday, the headquarters of the controversial Charlie Hebdo newspaper faced an attack which resulted in the deaths of twelve people, including four of the magazine's cartoonists.

It took me nearly half a day to piece together that information before coming to the realization of what had happened.

I received the news, shortly before lunchtime, that a police officer in Paris had been shot. I wasn't entirely apathetic to the event, but I needed to have my lunch and be on my way to meet someone in town. Moreover, coming from a cultural background saturated in gun violence, the knowledge of yet another attack didn't really surprise me anymore.

I had my lunch, drank my coffee, brushed my teeth, and went to town.

When I got home a few hours later, I slowly began to discover the extent of that violent attack.

My recollections transported me to a time in September when I was a fourteen-year-old high school student sitting in the middle of her second period science class. The vice principal's voice echoed on the intercom and, in a couple of succinct lines, revealed the tragedy that had occurred that morning in our country. The confusion numbed me. Logic put forth a shield of disbelief. In the hours that followed, my teenager self would have to accept the reality.

I also remember the global outpouring of condolences. To mark the solidarity, France's leader famously quipped "Today, we are all Americans."

Yesterday, I didn't have a high school principal break the news to me. It happened via Facebook. Amid the barrage of links to news reports and of the video recorded of the attack, the all-too-familiar coping mechanism of outright denial disappeared instantaneously.

This had happened in my second home.

I couldn't remain alone. I needed to be around others. I walked to the centre-ville. In Le Mans, Place de la République became the gathering point for mourning. A sea of huddled dark coats surrounded by metal barricades greeted my eyes. So many people had come out on this cold winter's night.

I then went to a friend's house to have dinner. The television reports shared intermittent images of candlelit vigils being held all over France coupled with the harrowing scenes of people fleeing death. I couldn't help but remember how the news back in September 2001 played back in a similar fashion.

Coming home once again, I discovered that people had rallied under the phrase "Je suis Charlie." I am Charlie.

I likened it to "Today, we are all Americans." I found it strange how people had chosen to identify as being Charlie rather than French. Why not state the nationality?

I began to wonder what "Je suis Charlie" could mean. Yes, it could mean respecting those who were lost at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters.

It could mean defending the freedom of speech for which the cartoonists had been slain. Freedom of speech knows no cultural borders or boundaries and, in an ideal world, remains protected.

I myself may not have agreed with the manner in which the cartoonists chose to express themselves. I found their humor, while undeniably witty, to be far too crass, even offensive, for my enjoyment. But even in my disagreement, I recognize that the actions taken to silence them should not have occurred.

The French are always ready to give their unabashed opinions and be vocal about the things that matter. Even if the goal is to start a conversation, they will tell you what they think whether you like it or not.

They are, after all, Franks.

In the wake of the heinous attack, I see a manifested threat to liberty. The liberté drenched in the blood of  the slain. We won't stand for that.

Today, we are all Charlie. Let us not forget it.

-Barb the French Bean

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Airplane Bathrooms Vs. Coffee Bean

I'm not great at story telling. To me going into too much detail gets a bit tedious for me. So instead I will tell you what my thoughts were while I was waiting to use the airplane bathroom.

If you have ever gone into an airplane bathroom then you know how small it is. If you have never been in an airplane bathroom then let me demonstrate.

That is an airplane bathroom. Small as hell...

Anyways, so on my way to England, I had to be on a plane for about 8 hours and being human and all, I had to use the bathroom.

So as I make it to the bathroom, I look at the little sign that says occupied. I go towards the next bathroom and that pesky little occupied sign was on.

As I waited outside the bathroom door, my mind could not shut up.

I really need to go...damn it how long is this person going to take...

*5 seconds later*

My bladder is going to explode! get out of the bathroom!!!

*stares down occupied signal*

*about 10 minutes...*

WTF?! are you shitting in there?? did you die?! OMG my bladder is going to burst!!!

It's probably an elder...I hope its not that 700 lb guy who kept staring down my food, he was scary..

*a few more minutes*

*Young girl comes out of the bathroom*

WTF?! was she playing with barbies in there?!

*Rushes into bathroom and handles some business*

I hope barbies aren't going to attack me in here...what if the lights turn off and I get bitten by something. Or maybe the airplane falls and all they find is a girl on the toilet...that girl is me...

I don't want to be remembered as the girl on the toilet!! or maybe before the plane falls my knight in shining armor will rescue me from the bathroom, but wait! I don't want him to see me trying to take a shit on the toilet...I rather die as the girl on the toilet. Maybe the hidden rabid barbies will eat me alive before they find a girl on the toilet.

*Gets off toilet and proceeds to pull up pants*

*Some turbulence occurs and something falls down*

Ack! The barbies are attacking me!

*waves arms around in the air frantically*

omg what if it was a roach? maybe they are in cahoots. I knew I hated those damn plastic things, they are secretly working with the roaches to take over the world!

*Stares at a tissue paper that had "attacked"/fallen to the ground*

No one must know how paranoid I am at the moment. Anyone would think I was bonkers...Can you imagine "Hi my name is Hanny, I'm a psychology major who thinks barbies and roaches are in cahoots to take over the world."

*Looks around and flushes toilet*

I wonder what would happen if a snake randomly appeared out of the toilet. Where would it come from? It would be impossible or would it...

*Washes hands*

I wonder how people even dare join the mile high club, especially in this tiny place. I mean leprechauns can do it, but people? really? what if both of them were like 6 feet tall? I can hardly breath in here...

*Gets out of the bathroom to see a line of people*

Was I in there that long?!

Sometimes...I wonder about myself...

Hanny the coffee bean

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Things I SHOULD Say, But Never Do

I have a problem, I rarely say what I want to say. Instead of saying what I'm thinking or feeling, I say something completely different.

(Btw, some dialogues may be switched around )

I should really learn how to use my words and not just keep everything in thought...

Hanny the coffee bean

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Me, My Thoughts, and I

On a daily basis, I spend a lot of my time on my own. It really is not a bad thing, but sometimes it is when you have no one to talk to. So sometimes when I spend my time thinking, my beloved thoughts tend to answer me back. I know it sounds psychologically insane, but I'm not the only one who does it...

So I think.

[When I was walking on campus]

Me: Look at that weird guy with the red striped t-shirt and hat.
Thoughts: OMG! I just found waldo.

[When going to the gym]

Me: I hope that guy is not my ex...
Thoughts: Look down, this one has a butt.

[At home]

Me: Bleh, test tomorrow...
Thoughts: Bowling, anyone?

[On the computer]

Me: I need a job
Thoughts: I am hungry...
Stomach: Feed Meeeeeee grrr

[In class, looking at Biology slides and falling asleep]

Is that cake?
Thoughts: No that's the pancreas
Me: Oh. It looked like cake...

[Staring at a guy]

Me: Talk to to to me.
Thoughts: I think you have a booger hanging from your nose.
Me:*freaks out*


Me: It's cookie monster!
Thoughts: ....(buzzed from all the alcohol)

[At the computer lab]

Me: That looks like my ex...except for the hair. Hmm maybe if I cut it, it will look like him.
Um. This one has boobs...
O_o It's a girl?!
Thoughts: Yeah...They look a like don't they...
Me: *Feels nauseated*

Yes, my thoughts are extremely weird...

Hanny the coffee bean

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


[Translation: Twilight]

Half of the whole world went mad when the Twilight Saga came out. Now that the movie, Eclipse, is here, the world once again is being tortured by screaming, crying, annoying, gaga over Rob Pattinson, little girls.

Of course, I would be hypocritical if I did not say that I do enjoy the movies, and I have had many thoughts as to what I would do if I met the Twilight cast.

(by the way, if you cannot read what I am saying in the cartoon, I am saying "Bitch! He's mine! Grr!").

For those of you not familiar with Twilight, it is a story about a vampire falling in love with a human. It is your typical forbidden love story, except that in this story the vampires sparkle, and they have options as to how they want to die. It can be through a vampire mafia, a pack of wolves, or having others rip your head off and burning it. How delightful!

(The Puppet version of Twilight)

Of course I prefer the vampires burning to death in the sun, but burning handsome vampires in the sun is a crime, and so they must sparkle.

Don't get me wrong I like Twilight, but the fanaticism has got to STOP. I cannot even go to the movie theaters this week due to the fact that millions of little girls will be there, screaming their lungs out. I would rather walk on hot stones rather than to hear little girls crying over a fictional character, but that's just me (other people would probably cut their own ears off).

Eventually, this Eclipse madness will fade till they make the next movie *gulp*. So for now I should just avoid the movie theaters, and prepare myself for the next Twilight movie...

Maybe I'll go to Tahiti.

What would you do?

Hanny the coffee bean

(Disclaimer: Although it was put together by me, I did not draw any of the cartoons. The cartoons come from and the video of course comes from youtube, made by SpookyDan).