Friday, July 16, 2010

My Demon Chihuahua is...a Duck?!

For those who don't know, I own a Demon Chihuahua. I say this because she is most calculating little creature that I know.

I admit that back in the day, I was not too crazy about chihuahuas. I thought them to be rather unattractive dogs with bulging bug eyes that only prissy rich girls owned. I did not picture myself sporting a dog as an accessory à la Paris Hilton.

I'm sure that most of us are familiar with the stereotype that chihuahuas are little hyperactive mutant rats with a high-pitched bark that sounds more like a squeaky chewtoy. They also nervously shiver for no apparent reason.

I really never pictured myself with a chihuahua because I never wanted one. Beurk.

So, how I earth did my family succumb to owning one?

My family ended up with Maddie through a family friend. This friend had a friend who knew a grandmother who had given her grandson a pet chihuahua for Christmas; he turned out to be allergic to dogs. This telephone game eventually ended in her needing a good home. One Saturday afternoon, the family friend went to visit the friend of the grandmother at her Miami Beach apartment.

I don't want to get smarmy on you guys but it honestly was love at first sight.

I had the revelation that a chihuahua is a dog just like any other, and I now feel remorse for having thought any other way about them. I've observed that Maddie rarely gets shake attacks. If she does, its only when she faces a situation in which she feels threatened or out of her zone (like getting a bath). And I am glad to report that her bark is far from being a squeak toy; it actually sounds like a real I'm-a-dog-be-scared-of-me bark.
Yet since I got her a couple of years ago, I've wonder if Maddie is only a dog.

She has a strange quirk that has bothered me ever since I got her. When she becomes overly excited, she begins to hyperventilate in a manner that suggests she will soon hock up a furball. The sound itself strangely resembles a quack. I've only seen this behavior displayed in another chihuahua as well.

I've just learned to accept it. What can I do?

As a treat, I will share with you guys an authentic, totally undoctored* photo of the infamous Demon Chihuahua.


There she is. Scheming on the rug next to my bed. Doesn't she strike absolute terror into your quivering heartstrings?

* Okay, I made some minor adjustments.

Barb the French Bean


  1. got to say they dont usually look that cute

  2. I agree with the widow. You got a cute one. But then again arent the cutest....the most evil? :-O

  3. Thanks! ^.^

    And, yes, Eden, appearances can be very, very deceiving...>:-)

    -French Bean

  4. Very cute. I am seeing a pattern. My girls have been described as demons in fur coats. Both although my black and tan furry friend more often do the duck quack as you describe it. I had thought it was quite oink like and often tell them its like walking a pig. It is an over excitment thing, if you put the palm of your hand over the nose for a few seconds they normally stop.

  5. I'll have to try that the next time Maddie starts quacking. Normally, I have to stroke her on the back until she calms down.

    -French Bean

  6. Really very cute.I have to stroke her on the back until she calms down.beautiful post..thanks for sharing here..
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